
Submit your Bugs and Feature Requests.

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How Does it Work ?

Submit Issues
Creates tickets for your bugs and feature requests.
Up-vote Features
Vote for bugs and features to see them worked on next!
Rank Higher
Supporting a feature increases its position in the queue.

Our Promise to You

Our highly experienced staff will spend at least 50% of their time working on the highest paid ranking feature.

What do I do next?

If you haven't already, register for a free account and get involved in a community of like minded people.

Got a bug in your code?

Got a bug you need squashed? Submit a ticket, give it a priority, description and see other users comments, suggestions and watch th up-votes roll in.

Have an idea for a project feature?

You can submit a ticket for a feature for free, the highest paid ranking features will be worked on asap!

Honest prices, no hidden fees.

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